Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

The facility doors are locked between 7:30 pm and 9 am. To visit after 7:30pm, please call the Floor 1 supervisor at (902) 521-9496 for entry or ring the doorbell. We do request that visitors are respectful of residents who prefer an early bedtime. 


9:30 am – 7:30 pm

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Harbour View Haven (HVH) welcomes inquiries regarding the long-term care placement process. This includes tours and general questions about our services. Admission to HVH is determined through a Department of Health and Wellness assessment process called, Single Entry Access (SEA). As a government funded facility, HVH managers and staff have little input into who is admitted; meaning we do not make decisions regarding the entry of people requiring the services that our facility provides. When a senior is classified through the provincial assessment process as needing the care and service of a long-term care facility, HVH is one of the facilities seniors can choose to come to. To inquire about long-term care services, please contact the provincial Continuing Care Office at 1-800-225-7225

Family Liaison for New Admissions

A Family Liaison is offered to promote a smooth transition for families following the admission of their loved one to Harbour View Haven. Family members will be provided a Family Liaison business card during admission. Arrangements to meet with the Family Liaison can be made through the Therapeutic Services Director at 634-8836 ext. 244.

Currently recruiting for a new family liaison representative.

Director of Therapeutic Services/Volunteer Services - Meghan Walsh

902.634.8836 ext. 244 -


As a resident of Harbour View Haven...
  • You have the right to be treated with respect and dignity at all times. Residents are to be provided the appropriate privacy in treatment and in caring for any personal needs.


    When receiving any medical or personal care, you are to be afforded the appropriate privacy, according to your wishes and within the abilities of facility personnel.

    You may decide to communicate or interact with anyone of your choosing. Please encourage family and friends to visit.

    You may choose to receive treatment in the absence of persons you do not wish to be present.

  • You have the right to be involved in decisions about your care. Residents may give or refuse consent for treatment, including medication, in accordance with law, and must be informed of the consequences of giving or refusing consent.

    THIS MEANS... 

    You may choose to accept or refuse any treatment offered at HVH as long as you are capable of understanding the reasons for that treatment and what will happen if you do not accept.

    It is your decision to follow a doctor's advice. You may choose to seek another doctor's or qualified person's opinion before deciding to follow that advice.

    You must be provided with clear information as to the effects of taking a course of medication and what will happen if you do not take the treatment.

    You can make this decision only if you are competent. You need to fully understand the consequences of your actions if you decide not to follow or refuse treatment. You can have a designated guardian present to assist when making such decisions.

  • You have the right to be informed about all aspects of your care. Residents have a right to know what treatments and services they are receiving; this includes treatment and service possibilities.


    You shall be informed of the people who are responsible for your care; and who is providing care. These people may include, but are not limited to, physicians, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, personal care workers, continuing care assistants, environmental workers, and dietary workers.

    You shall have opportunity to participate in a plan of care designed to meet your individual needs.

    Your physician or someone else responsible for your care shall inform you:

    • The type of care you require.
    • What treatment you are receiving.
    • What treatment is being planned for you. 
  • You have the right to be properly sheltered, fed, clothed, groomed, and cared for in a manner according to your personal needs. Residents have the right to the individual consideration of their needs, including physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs.


    To ensure that residents receive proper care, we ask that any special needs be communicated. In order to provide all the necessary services appropriate for you, you have to discuss any special care needs that you may have.

    HVH care includes, but is not limited to:

    • suitable living accommodations
    • regular and appropriate food to eat
    • laundered clothes
    • assistance to maintain appropriate standards of personal hygiene and cleanliness

    There is an expectation of you that you will assist and cooperate in areas of personal care with regards to your individual ability.

  • You have the right to a safe and comfortable environment. Residents have the right to be protected and prevented from harm in areas that require such approach. Residents will not be abused mentally or physically.


    Staff at HVH is expected to provide services to you that are safe and acceptable. The living area is expected to be free of danger and meet all government requirements for Long Term Care Facilities.

    Mental abuse is defined as, but is not limited to, being humiliated, insulted, frightened, threatened, ignored, or being treated like a child.

    Physical abuse is defined as, but is not limited to, being slapped, pushed, punched, hit, handled roughly, beaten or sexually molested.

  • You have the right to voice complaints regarding the facility or facility staff without facing discrimination.In accordance with HVH policy regarding complaints, residents are encouraged to direct complaints to the Administrator, RN supervisors, and/or the Resident Advocate.


    If any of the services or treatments does not meet your expectations, you are encouraged to discuss issues with the appropriate staff.

    When voicing a complaint, you shall not be deprived of any service or shunned by the persons working at HVH, because you have made a complaint.

    You have the right to advocacy regarding HVH services. Meaning if something is not to your liking, you may ask to that service reviewed and investigation into other ways to provide a service.

  • You have the right to receive opportunities for rehabilitation of functional abilities and assistance towards independence consistent with your individual requirements. Residents have access to regular services of appropriate health care professionals that can assist in areas of rehabilitation or designing plans for rehabilitation.


    At HVH we try to assist you in becoming as independent as possible.

    Opportunities are offered to participate in exercises, games, handicrafts and other programs and activities that can improve or assist in maintaining your independence.

    Personnel, either on staff or contracted, are able to assess you for your maximized level of functioning. A routine can be designed for you and your family, as well as for staff, to assist you in maintaining and reaching your goal of maximized independence.

  • You have the right to decorate and arrange your room as you wish. Any changes to your room must follow safety requirements and recognize other resident rights. HVH is in no way liable for the loss or damage to personal items brought into the facility.


    We want you to consider HVH your home. Please make yourself feel comfortable by having your personal items brought in. Our helpful staff from nursing, environmental, and maintenance will gladly assist you in decorating your room.

    Remember that your personal belongings should not get in the way of safety or infringe on the rights of other residents.

    A sample list of personal items may include, but is not limited to; favorite quilts, books, pictures, special furniture, radio, television (please refer to the Admission handbook for a more comprehensive list). Please remember to have all electrical items checked by our maintenance staff before placing in your room.

  • You have the right to have your medical records kept confidential in accordance with the law. At HVH, only the staff responsible for your care may see your health and personal records unless you have given permission to another designated party.


    The law states that your medical records are private. HVH must follow this law.

    You may permit other staff or persons to review your files.

  • You have the right to your own religious beliefs and cultural background. All residents shall be treated equally, regardless of gender, race or creed. They should have free access to religious support with the opportunity to practice their chosen religion while residing at HVH.


    The staff of HVH will make every effort to support the diverse cultural and religious backgrounds of the residents living in the facility.

    Staff requires information regarding religious preferences if there are special considerations and traditions residents wish the facility staff to support them in following.

    In accordance with our first statement of rights, residents will be offered the utmost respect and dignity regarding their individual beliefs. If a resident or family believes there is discrimination on the basis of a resident's religious beliefs, we ask that it reported immediately.

Falls Management Program (FMP)

HVH has developed an FMP that assesses a resident’s risk of falling to ensure measures are put in place to decrease injury. The FMP is a team approach, involving the resident and families, nursing staff, Medical Director, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Safety Manager and therapeutic staff.

Our Approach to Reduce the Risk of Falls Includes

Environmental scans of resident areas to ensure:
  • Resident areas are free of clutter
  • Proper lighting
  • Bed height is at an appropriate setting
  • Regular monitoring and reviewing of medications that could contribute to falls
  • Implementing toileting schedules when appropriate
Providing assessments for personal safety/assistive devices such as:
  • Glasses
  • Hearing aids
  • Visual signage
  • Appropriate footwear/grippy socks
  • Walkers/canes
  • Personal/bed alarms

Least Restraint Policy

HVH follows a least-restraint policy and strives for safe & appropriate interventions to support resident safety while maintaining dignity, comfort and autonomy.

In the past, restraints were used to restrict the mobility of residents at risk of falling. Research shows that restraints &
full bed rails are more likely to harm residents than protect them, while placing staff at greater risk of injury.

*Please refer to the HVH Resident and Family Handbook for more information
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