The facility doors are locked between 7:30 pm and 9 am. To visit after 7:30pm, please call the Floor 1 supervisor at (902) 521-9496 for entry or ring the doorbell. We do request that visitors are respectful of residents who prefer an early bedtime.
9:30 am – 7:30 pm
Throughout 2021, Harbour View Haven will be testing our voice-codes monthly to ensure staff are appropriately trained and prepared to respond to any type of emergency. HVH has always made it a practice to run fire safety and evacuation drills monthly however, we will now be testing all drills on a yearly schedule. This was a recommendation from our March 2020 Accreditation Survey Team. To limit disruption to our residents, some codes
will be drilled together or as tabletop exercises when possible.
During February, we practiced, “Code Yellow – Missing Resident” which went both quickly and successfully as reported during our debriefing session. Great job to all staff who responded to the drill. In March we will be testing Code White.
A big thank you to our residents, family and visitors for their patience and cooperation during HVH drills.