The facility doors are locked between 7:30 pm and 9 am. To visit after 7:30pm, please call the Floor 1 supervisor at (902) 521-9496 for entry or ring the doorbell. We do request that visitors are respectful of residents who prefer an early bedtime.
9:30 am – 7:30 pm
Black bean is a type of legumes that are used in classic Latin American, Caribbean, Mexican and Brazilian cuisines. Black beans are very healthy, nutritious, and can be easily cooked and eaten in all kinds of dishes: chilis, soups, stews, and brownies. Black beans contain a high amount of resistant starch and fiber, which are slowly digested and good for your bowel health.
Black beans have very little fat, most of the fat is polyun-saturated. In half a cup of black beans, there are 90mg of omega-3 and 108mg of omega-6 fatty acids. Black beans are protein powerhouses that help you fill up your daily protein needs.
Black beans are gluten-free, which is suitable for celiac disease patients and people who are sensitive to gluten. They also hold great sources of B-vitamins (folates, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin) as well as minerals (copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus,
calcium and zinc).
Health benefits:
• Regulates blood sugar
• Reduces blood cholesterol
• Improves digestive health
• Provides beneficial antioxidants
• Provides a plant-based protein source
• Canned black beans are high in sodium, so draining and rinsing before cooking can significantly reduce the sodium content. Meanwhile, dried black beans need to be soaked in water so that they are soften to reduce cooking time and reduce gas.
• When buying dried beans, avoid choosing beans that have tiny holes. It means they are infected with insects.
• Dried black beans can be stored in a sealed container in a cool and dry place up to a year. Cooked black beans can be kept in the fridge up to four/five days, an in the freezer up to six months.
Submitted by: Bao Dinh, Acadia Nutrition Co-op Student
Submitted by: Bao Dinh, Acadia Nutrition Co-op Student